2014 Lushootseed Camp: Maria Martin introduces us to the 19th Annual Lushootseed Language Camp
at the Kenny Moses building.  The kids just finished their plays about the Seal Hunting Brothers.
The Seal Hunting Brothers is about two brothers that hunt for their village and feed all their people.
The story tells us how the Orca Whale is the symbol for the Tulalip Tribes’ people.
Natosha Gobin tells us that this is a camp for 5 – 12 year olds.  We want to thank-you the parents
for having your kids participate in this.
For more information on Lushootseed, contact the Lushootseed Language Department at 360-716-4195.

Lushootseed Phrases: ‘This is a plate, this is a serving spoon…’

Upcoming events and Tulalip Bay Tides for the Week of 7/28/14